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IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

                                        Monojit Basu
               Product Manager, Rational Change and Configuration Management


© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Rational Software Conference 2009


   Typical Development Environments
   Understanding Agile
   Agile Methods - Scrum, Requirements, Modeling, TDD, CI
   Game Plan to adopt Agile Methods

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Typical Development Environments

   Which of these scenarios apply to your company?
      A large corporation of employees with highly visible projects that have trouble delivering
      on time or adapting to change because the existing process is elongated
      A company that has multiple development sites that are geographically dispersed between
      hemispheres or across the continent
      A small or medium sized company of highly skilled workers unable to demonstrate value
      and quick turnaround in a repeatable fashion
   Many companies fall into one or more of these scenarios looking to for a way to
   help with the pain
   Agile techniques and practices are gaining more and more attention in the
   software community
      What’s not clear are the differences between the techniques
      Which techniques should be adopted for your organization or project?
      Then there’s the fear that you may lose productivity

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Typical Development Environments

   Software development has evolved and changed drastically in the last 20 years
      Technologies have evolved
      Framework have been developed
      Complex Tools created to ease the burden of developing software
   Software development life should be easier by now right?
      Truth is, software development has gotten heavily burdensome and overly complicated
      What used to be quick in today’s environment takes much longer to accomplish
      There just seems to be too many steps getting in the way of the primary goal to develop

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Typical Development Environments - Waterfall

   In order to understand how or what to adopt, it’s important to understand what
   Agile really means and how it differs from traditional development
   To set the stage, consider the Waterfall based process:
        Simple, Well-defined milestones, Disciplined,
        Still used by the majority of large companies
        Risk is delayed until the very end. This costs money
        if things go wrong.
        What if the architecture won’t work?
        What if System Testing identifies a major bug – or
        worse, missed requirements?
IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Typical Development Environments - Waterfall

   Waterfall based processes demand thick documentation with a focus on many
   physical artifacts (documents) that ended up becoming a series of forests cut
      Why? It’s a hand-off – sometimes between groups
      The single “Requirements Document” consisting of many, many pages handed over to
      developers, testers, and business stakeholders
        These are filled with declarative statements such as “The System shall ….”
      In many cases, one document artifact gets copied or translated into other similar
        Requirements Specification to Technical Specifications to Design Specifications
      All the while the notion of what the system is really supposed to do or how someone would
      use that system becomes harder to see clearly amid all of the pages of documentation
      Maintaining a system like this or adding new capabilities becomes more and more difficult

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Typical Development Environments - Iterative
  Then along came iterative based development
     It too was well defined
     Risks were resolved earlier by developing incremental
     behavior of the system and integrating sooner
     Unlike Waterfall – which had a single release – functionality
     could be deployed earlier in the lifecycle in a series of
     RUP, Spiral, MSF, OpenUP are examples of iterative
     Software created in time-boxed iterations
     Each revision incrementally builds upon the
     last working and tested software

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Typical Development Environments - Iterative

   Iterative development processes like the RUP take a different approach
      Use Cases used to capture functional requirements of a system organized in a sequence
      of steps that yield some observable result to the external Actor requesting it
      Use Cases focus on how someone or something uses a system – the usage model
      Actors are used to abstract someone or something outside the
      boundary of the system being developed
      Easier to understand since they are written in the language
      of the customer
      Puts requirements into the appropriate context of system
      Facilitates re-use across iterations

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Typical Development Environments - Iterative

   However, when adopting an iterative process, mistakes
   can happen
      RUP for example is a Framework – not necessarily
      a specific process
        There are over 2500+ web pages to sift through

      Might be morphed into an artifact based process instead of
      one that delivers value and resolves risk

      Focus at first addresses technical Architectural Risks rather
      than delivering Business Value to the customer.
        “It’s a great design. Too bad we didn’t have it 3 months
        ago when we really needed that front end piece.”

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Understanding Agile

   Agile methods are not Cowboy programming as depicted by some
   in the media
   In fact, some of the key practices of Agile methods include:
      Iterative and incremental development
      Two levels of planning
      Frequent releases
      Self-organizing teams
      Just-in-time requirements specification
      Concurrent testing (developer & system)
      Continuous Integration
      Unit testing & Test Driven Development (TDD)

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Understanding Agile

   There is more than one method in the Agile camp. Each has its own strengths and
   areas of focus
   All Agile methods typically conform to the same basic Principles:
      Lightweight, minimalist, low-ceremony
      Highly collaborative: People over process and tools
      Value-driven: Frequently provide value to end users
      Embrace Change: Adapt instead of Predict
      Feedback: Promote extremely tight response loop
      Build Quality In: Adopt a “stop the line” mentality

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Understanding Agile

   All Agile methods are adaptive in nature
      The cadence of agility is to expect change for incremental release and to
      react to those changes
      This type of feedback allows the team to respond to change as opposed
      to following a strict plan
      Customers see results sooner and therefore have more input for what to
      do next

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Scrum Overview

   Every project starts off with planning but many of today’s plans are educated
   guesses that are padded for safety
   Scrum is an Agile Project Management Framework based upon empirical evidence
      Scrum does not prescribe specific software engineering technique such as requirements
      gathering, testing, or development

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Scrum Overview

   Scrum uses two levels of planning:
      Requirements, Features, Defects, etc. are all
      organized into virtual work item lists called
      The Product Backlog is managed by
      a Product Owner who ranks each item
      based upon the value it brings
      Development is then done in a series of
      time boxed iterations called Sprints
      At the end of a Sprint, you have potentially
      shippable code

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Scrum Overview
   Product Backlog
      Estimated by the Team using relative
      estimation measurements called
      Points are estimated per Backlog based
      upon their size and difficulty relative to
      other Backlog items
      You don’t need all of the requirements
      detailed before you can begin
      Commitments to the requirements is deferred
      until the Sprint planning begins
      Requirements are detailed just-in-time for them to be worked

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Scrum Overview
   Sprint Backlog
      This is a detailed iteration plan that is created by the team by pulling off items from the
      Product Backlog
      Each product backlog item is then broken down into individual tasks necessary to complete
      the work
      Each task’s work effort in is estimated collaboratively in hrs by the Team
        Not to exceed 16 hrs
      Team members then self-assign the tasks they want to do
      Estimated remaining hrs for the task is updated by the individual team member daily

       As an Online Shopper,
                                             Develop middleware   - 8 hrs
       I want to be able to
       browse for products                   Create UI            - 4 hrs
                                             Code tests           - 4 hrs
                                             Code xxx Class       - 6 hrs
                                             Refactor             - 4 hrs

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Scrum Overview
   Daily Scrum
      Each day, the team comes together to answer 3 basic questions:
        What did I do yesterday?
        What am I going to do today?
        What’s in my way?
      This is a short (15 minutes) meeting to give status to the rest of the team
        It’s not to solve problems but rather to foster communication
        It indicates commitment of the work items
      Anyone can attend but only the Team, Scrum Master, and Product Owner can contribute

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Scrum Overview
   Sprint Review
      At the end of the Sprint the team comes together to show their accomplishments during the
      Typically this is done as a live demonstration and the Product Owner can accept or reject
      the changes
        Rejections or defects are added back onto the Product Backlog
        Accepted items’ relative point estimates are accumulated for the Sprint into a total known
        as “Velocity” – which measures how much work a team can do in a Sprint
      All team members participate in the demo
        Does not require days of preparation. In fact it should be 2 hrs or less
      Like the Daily Scrum, anyone can attend
   Sprint Retrospective
        After the Sprint review, the team comes together to discuss what went well and what
        didn’t go so well
        The goal is to self-improve

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Agile Requirements Overview
   User Stories are an Agile Requirements technique to describe discrete functionality
   that benefits the customer
   They encourage two agile principles:
      Shifts the focus to conversation over the written word
      Defers commitment until it is needed to build
   Perfect size for planning purposes
   Understood by the customer and the developer
   Excellent for enhancing an existing application
   They are smaller than a use case

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

 Agile Methods – Agile Requirements Overview
   Each User Story is composed of three main parts:
        A Short description no more than a sentence or two
        Acceptance tests to confirm the story is complete
        Verbal conversations that elaborate the story for understanding
   Typically written by the Customer or Product Owner
   They can be captured on a 5 x 9 index card or electronically captured in an agile
   tool such as RTC

             As an Online Shopper,            As an Online Shopper,               As Supply Manager, I
             I want to be able to add         I want to be able to pay            want to be able to add
Front                                                                             new products to sell
             products to a shopping           by credit card

          Must be able to specify quantity    Must be able to pay by Visa           Must be able to delete existing
Back      Must be able to remove items        Must be able to pay by Mastercard
                                                                                    Must be able to identify inventory
          Must be able to continue shopping   Must be able to pay by AMEX           count

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Agile Requirements Overview
   Can be broken up into sub-stories if more detail is needed
   Each story should be:
   Organized in terms of: MoSCoW Rules
      Must            – Fundamental to the system
      Should          – important by not required
      Could           – could be left out
      Won’t           – not necessary this time around so it can wait

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Agile Requirements Overview
   Using the MoSCoW rules helps the Customer and Product Owner prioritize the
   Product Backlog
   Other techniques involve specifying whether this story is a Market Differentiator or
     Those that may have more weight
     Note that a Market Differentiator doesn’t have to be a Must category
   The Product Backlog can be re-prioritized at any point in time
     This gives the freedom to the Customer to control the feature efforts based on value to the
     business – what a concept

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Agile Modeling
   Agile Modeling is an agile technique that is applied across multiple disciplines
     The common thread in the above disciplines is that each of them have a common activity at
     its core – that is the need to model
     Models are an abstraction of a problem at a certain perspective using a common notation
   RUP is very prescriptive about Models
     Business Use Case models to system Use Case models
     Domain models to Analysis models to Design models to Implementation models
   Tools perpetuate this notion through their support of notations such as UML 1.x &
   2.x, BPMN, BPEL, etc.
   RSA for example, not only supports the 13 UML 2.x diagram types but also adds
   additional diagrams like Topic and Browse diagrams. Do we really need all of them
   for a project?
   The short answer is: NO!!

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Agile Modeling
   There are really two kinds of models:
     Formal models built with complex modeling tools
     Informal models built on a whiteboard, digital picture, or simple modeling tools like Visio
   Each model serves different audiences and a project usually has more than one
   Models help teams think through a problem
     a picture really does eliminate misunderstanding of the spoken word
   All code ever developed came from one or more models
     Either a formal set of diagrams, a whiteboard concept, or formed in the developer’s mind
     before writing the code
   Modeling can be extended into supporting practices such as MDD and MDA

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Agile Modeling

   Model when it’s
   faster than writing
   Original text was too
   confusing. It needed
   a model to be

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Agile Modeling
   Adoption of Agile Modeling techniques means you only model what you can’t do
     When it actually hurts your project not to have that model
   Always model with a purpose in mind – not because it is “part of the process”
     If it servers no purpose – don’t do it
   Only model enough to support the effort
   Don’t model for perfection. It just needs to be good enough to:
     Get your point across
     Meet the Intended Audience expectations
     Clear and Detailed when necessary
     Holds value
   There is a cost to maintaining models

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Agile Modeling
   Adopting Agile Modeling takes a certain approach.
     Sometimes it really isn’t necessary to model at all
        Do you need a model when all you are doing is adding a method to a class?
     Agile models that are created and actually kept are a small percentage of the entire effort
        Models that need to last longer than the project or for teams geographically distributed
        are candidates to keep and maintain
        When the cost of NOT having the model outweighs the cost of rebuilding it which slows
        down development
        Example keepers are Architectural Models, high visibility Activity steps, or complex
        Business Rules
     During Agile modeling, many models may be created but a large majority are transient and
     are tossed once they serve their purpose
        These rarely last past a few iterations
        Examples would be some context or communication diagrams

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Agile Modeling

   Agile modeling efforts usually
   don’t start in a tool
   Whiteboards, Paper are perfectly
   The emphasis is to describe
   visually an idea so that
   conversation can begin
   Shortens the development lifecycle   Ali Ali - ATSC

   by removing unnecessary diagrams
   Saves money over time by reducing
   the number of models to maintain
   Have value and meet a specific
   purpose for an intended audience

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Test Driven Development
   TDD came from XP but contrary to its name – it’s not really geared towards the
   Testing Discipline in the RUP.
   TDD is a design and programming activity more closely aligned with traditional unit
   testing than formal testing done by professional testers
   TDD allows developers to organically develop a test suite while building their
   In the past, developers would write code and then test it.
     Unit Tests may had been done manually with little thought to the potential of breaking
     something else
     TDD uses automated tests to constrain each functional bit of a program
   TDD is different in that you write the test first and when it fails you write code to
   pass the test.

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Test Driven Development

   The TDD life cycle repeats until no more features
   are left to build:
      Add a test for the new capability feature
        forces the developer to focus on the requirements
        before writing the code instead of after
      Run all tests and see if the new one fails
        A form of negative testing using all prior tests
      Write some Code to pass that test
      Run the Automated tests to see them succeed
      Refactor Code as necessary
        Gain knowledge in knowing refactoring will not
        damage any prior tests

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Test Driven Development
   The are several tools available by choice of programming language that supports
   TDD such as:
     JUnit, PHPUnit, TestNG to name a few
   A 2005 study found the using TDD meant writing more tests; developers who wrote
   more tests tended to be more productive
   TDD can help build software faster by elevating the confidence level that new code
   will not break existing code
   TDD eventually builds the automated regression Test Harness that can be shared
   among the team
   TDD can be extended to Test Driven Database Development (TDDD)

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Continuous Integration
   In today’s world, not maintaining the code repository with all working parts becomes
   a hectic task.
     Developer takes a copy of the code base to write their code
     Before the developer can check in their code, they must update their code base with that of
     the repository to catch any changes made by others since (s)he checked out the code
     The more changes that were made, the more work the developer must do before (s)he can
     check in their code to the repository
     Eventually the repository becomes so different from the developer’s that it may take more
     time to integrate the changes than it did to write the new changes
     This is what’s referred to as “Integration Hell”
   Here is where an Agile practice called Continuous Integration (CI) helps out

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Continuous Integration
   Continuous Integration (CI) is simply the practice of integrating components early
   and often
     This mitigates the “Integration Hell” some development teams face
   The build frequency is really left open to interpretation and project needs but it is
   definitely more than once. The term “several times a day” is typically adopted
   The ultimate goal of CI is to reduce that integration time and thus reduce timely
   rework which ultimately saves costs
   CI Emerged from XP but there are examples of this used by IBM in the 1960’s
   when they were building OS/360
     They created builds 4 times each day

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Continuous Integration
   Continuous Integration (CI) basic rules
     Maintain a repository
        The system should be buildable from a freshly checked out codebase that is not
        dependent on other code
        Rather than creating a new developer branch, it is preferred that changes are integrated
        directly into the trunk
        Because of the multiple builds, this is an acceptable practice
   Automate the Build
     Several tools support this such as:
        Build automation tools: Make, Ant, Maven, ClearCase
        Continuous Integration Servers: RTC, BuildForge, CruiseControl, TeamCity, etc.
     This includes automating the integration in order to deploy to a production like environment
        Include binaries, web pages, statistics, and possibly documentation
   Make the Build Self-testing
     Employ TDD techniques to test the code to confirm the behavior

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Continuous Integration
   Commit/Check-in Code Daily
     This reduces the number of conflicting changes to others instead of committing weeks
     worth of code at once
     Each Team member must do this
   Each Check-in to the mainline/trunk should be built
     This confirms that the integration was successful
     It can be a manual process or set up as an Automated CI that looks for changes and starts
     the build
   Keep the Build Fast
     It can’t take hours for the build to complete. You want to know when a problem occurs
   Test the Build in an environment cloned from production
     This mitigates the errors where a Test environment doesn’t match the production

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Agile Methods – Continuous Integration
   Make the Builds Available
     That means alerting testers and stakeholders early. This feedback loop reduces the
     amount of time if the build doesn’t meet the requirements
   Publish the Build Results
     In an ideal world, the results of the build is transparent and made available to the entire
     This is helpful to identify when a build breaks and what caused it to break
   Automate the Deployment
     Creation of a build can be extended by automating the deployment into the target
     deployment model

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

What’s the Game Plan?

   Create a plan of attack
   Bring in professionals to help assess your needs and plan
   out the strategy of attack
      Nothing helps jumpstart an organization like a set of experienced
      The alternative is a number of whitepapers and books each
      focused on a particular area
      Look for a firm with experience who offers a robust set of service
      offerings that directly relate to your pain points

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

What’s the Game Plan?

   Execute the Plan
   Step 1 - Initial assessment of your needs
   Step 2 – Putting it all together
      Exposure to more than just one Agile method
      Formal Training
      Hands-on Workshops
      Tool Training to reinforce the concepts learned
      Ongoing mentoring with real pilot projects

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Step 1: Assessment

   Every company is different, because of that there cannot be a single cookie-cutter
   Your company may already be strong in one area but weaker in another
   Ensure an assessment reflects this and specifies a target set of solutions to
   address these needs
      Perhaps planning and delivery is the bottleneck, maybe it’s requirements
      Note that the solutions are usually plural – that’s ok, as long as it is part of a cohesive plan
   The assessment should include the existing development team size and location
      In today’s world, development teams are sometimes distributed in multiple buildings,
      states, or hemispheres
      Professional firms who claim to be agile, need to be able to embrace this fact

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Step 2: Putting it all Together

   Now that we’ve discussed various Agile methods, let’s put the thoughts down on
   paper and plan how we can do it in around 40 days
   Week 1
      Conduct assessment and provision the tooling environment
   Week 2
      Conduct just-in-time training covering:
        Detailed Agile methods
        Hands-on Workshops
        Agile tools (RTC, RRC, RQM)
   Week 3
      Pilot process and tools with hands-on mentoring from Agile coaches
   Week 4
      Agile Modeling, TDD & CI Workshops

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

Step 2: Putting it all Together

   Week 5
      Mentoring the project with the Agile Coaches
   Week 6
      Plan next Sprint
   The best way to introduce new concepts is not just by the theory of a book
   Combining just enough theory with heavy hands-on workshops helps to reinforce
   the concepts being described
   Heavy emphasis should be on:

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

IBM Rational Software Conference 2009

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2009. All rights reserved. The information contained in these materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind,
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Agile - Monojit basu

  • 1. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Monojit Basu Product Manager, Rational Change and Configuration Management CRM07 © 2009 IBM Corporation
  • 2. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agenda Introduction Typical Development Environments Understanding Agile Agile Methods - Scrum, Requirements, Modeling, TDD, CI Game Plan to adopt Agile Methods 2
  • 3. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Typical Development Environments Which of these scenarios apply to your company? A large corporation of employees with highly visible projects that have trouble delivering on time or adapting to change because the existing process is elongated A company that has multiple development sites that are geographically dispersed between hemispheres or across the continent A small or medium sized company of highly skilled workers unable to demonstrate value and quick turnaround in a repeatable fashion Many companies fall into one or more of these scenarios looking to for a way to help with the pain Agile techniques and practices are gaining more and more attention in the software community What’s not clear are the differences between the techniques Which techniques should be adopted for your organization or project? Then there’s the fear that you may lose productivity 3
  • 4. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Typical Development Environments Software development has evolved and changed drastically in the last 20 years Technologies have evolved Framework have been developed Complex Tools created to ease the burden of developing software Software development life should be easier by now right? Truth is, software development has gotten heavily burdensome and overly complicated What used to be quick in today’s environment takes much longer to accomplish There just seems to be too many steps getting in the way of the primary goal to develop software 4
  • 5. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Typical Development Environments - Waterfall In order to understand how or what to adopt, it’s important to understand what Agile really means and how it differs from traditional development To set the stage, consider the Waterfall based process: Pros: Simple, Well-defined milestones, Disciplined, Ordered Still used by the majority of large companies Cons: Risk is delayed until the very end. This costs money if things go wrong. What if the architecture won’t work? What if System Testing identifies a major bug – or worse, missed requirements? 5
  • 6. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Typical Development Environments - Waterfall Waterfall based processes demand thick documentation with a focus on many physical artifacts (documents) that ended up becoming a series of forests cut down Why? It’s a hand-off – sometimes between groups The single “Requirements Document” consisting of many, many pages handed over to developers, testers, and business stakeholders These are filled with declarative statements such as “The System shall ….” In many cases, one document artifact gets copied or translated into other similar documents Requirements Specification to Technical Specifications to Design Specifications All the while the notion of what the system is really supposed to do or how someone would use that system becomes harder to see clearly amid all of the pages of documentation Maintaining a system like this or adding new capabilities becomes more and more difficult 6
  • 7. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Typical Development Environments - Iterative Then along came iterative based development It too was well defined Risks were resolved earlier by developing incremental behavior of the system and integrating sooner Unlike Waterfall – which had a single release – functionality could be deployed earlier in the lifecycle in a series of releases RUP, Spiral, MSF, OpenUP are examples of iterative processes Software created in time-boxed iterations Each revision incrementally builds upon the last working and tested software 7
  • 8. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Typical Development Environments - Iterative Iterative development processes like the RUP take a different approach Use Cases used to capture functional requirements of a system organized in a sequence of steps that yield some observable result to the external Actor requesting it Use Cases focus on how someone or something uses a system – the usage model Actors are used to abstract someone or something outside the boundary of the system being developed Benefits: Easier to understand since they are written in the language of the customer Puts requirements into the appropriate context of system responsibility Facilitates re-use across iterations 8
  • 9. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Typical Development Environments - Iterative However, when adopting an iterative process, mistakes can happen RUP for example is a Framework – not necessarily a specific process There are over 2500+ web pages to sift through Might be morphed into an artifact based process instead of one that delivers value and resolves risk Focus at first addresses technical Architectural Risks rather than delivering Business Value to the customer. “It’s a great design. Too bad we didn’t have it 3 months ago when we really needed that front end piece.” 9
  • 10. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Understanding Agile Agile methods are not Cowboy programming as depicted by some in the media In fact, some of the key practices of Agile methods include: Iterative and incremental development Two levels of planning Frequent releases Self-organizing teams Just-in-time requirements specification Concurrent testing (developer & system) Continuous Integration Refactoring Unit testing & Test Driven Development (TDD) Retrospectives 10
  • 11. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Understanding Agile There is more than one method in the Agile camp. Each has its own strengths and areas of focus All Agile methods typically conform to the same basic Principles: Lightweight, minimalist, low-ceremony Highly collaborative: People over process and tools Value-driven: Frequently provide value to end users Embrace Change: Adapt instead of Predict Feedback: Promote extremely tight response loop Build Quality In: Adopt a “stop the line” mentality 11
  • 12. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Understanding Agile All Agile methods are adaptive in nature The cadence of agility is to expect change for incremental release and to react to those changes This type of feedback allows the team to respond to change as opposed to following a strict plan Customers see results sooner and therefore have more input for what to do next 12
  • 13. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Scrum Overview Every project starts off with planning but many of today’s plans are educated guesses that are padded for safety Scrum is an Agile Project Management Framework based upon empirical evidence Scrum does not prescribe specific software engineering technique such as requirements gathering, testing, or development 13
  • 14. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Scrum Overview Scrum uses two levels of planning: Requirements, Features, Defects, etc. are all organized into virtual work item lists called Backlogs The Product Backlog is managed by a Product Owner who ranks each item based upon the value it brings Development is then done in a series of time boxed iterations called Sprints At the end of a Sprint, you have potentially shippable code 14
  • 15. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Scrum Overview Product Backlog Estimated by the Team using relative estimation measurements called “Points” Points are estimated per Backlog based upon their size and difficulty relative to other Backlog items You don’t need all of the requirements detailed before you can begin Commitments to the requirements is deferred until the Sprint planning begins Requirements are detailed just-in-time for them to be worked 15
  • 16. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Scrum Overview Sprint Backlog This is a detailed iteration plan that is created by the team by pulling off items from the Product Backlog Each product backlog item is then broken down into individual tasks necessary to complete the work Each task’s work effort in is estimated collaboratively in hrs by the Team Not to exceed 16 hrs Team members then self-assign the tasks they want to do Estimated remaining hrs for the task is updated by the individual team member daily As an Online Shopper, Develop middleware - 8 hrs I want to be able to browse for products Create UI - 4 hrs Code tests - 4 hrs Code xxx Class - 6 hrs Refactor - 4 hrs 16
  • 17. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Scrum Overview Daily Scrum Each day, the team comes together to answer 3 basic questions: What did I do yesterday? What am I going to do today? What’s in my way? This is a short (15 minutes) meeting to give status to the rest of the team It’s not to solve problems but rather to foster communication It indicates commitment of the work items Anyone can attend but only the Team, Scrum Master, and Product Owner can contribute 17
  • 18. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Scrum Overview Sprint Review At the end of the Sprint the team comes together to show their accomplishments during the Sprint Typically this is done as a live demonstration and the Product Owner can accept or reject the changes Rejections or defects are added back onto the Product Backlog Accepted items’ relative point estimates are accumulated for the Sprint into a total known as “Velocity” – which measures how much work a team can do in a Sprint All team members participate in the demo Does not require days of preparation. In fact it should be 2 hrs or less Like the Daily Scrum, anyone can attend Sprint Retrospective After the Sprint review, the team comes together to discuss what went well and what didn’t go so well The goal is to self-improve 18
  • 19. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Agile Requirements Overview User Stories are an Agile Requirements technique to describe discrete functionality that benefits the customer They encourage two agile principles: Shifts the focus to conversation over the written word Defers commitment until it is needed to build Perfect size for planning purposes Understood by the customer and the developer Excellent for enhancing an existing application They are smaller than a use case 19
  • 20. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Agile Requirements Overview Each User Story is composed of three main parts: A Short description no more than a sentence or two Acceptance tests to confirm the story is complete Verbal conversations that elaborate the story for understanding Typically written by the Customer or Product Owner They can be captured on a 5 x 9 index card or electronically captured in an agile tool such as RTC As an Online Shopper, As an Online Shopper, As Supply Manager, I I want to be able to add I want to be able to pay want to be able to add Front new products to sell products to a shopping by credit card cart Must be able to specify quantity Must be able to pay by Visa Must be able to delete existing products Back Must be able to remove items Must be able to pay by Mastercard Must be able to identify inventory Must be able to continue shopping Must be able to pay by AMEX count 20
  • 21. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Agile Requirements Overview Can be broken up into sub-stories if more detail is needed Each story should be: Independent Negotiable Valuable Estimatable Small Testable Organized in terms of: MoSCoW Rules Must – Fundamental to the system Should – important by not required Could – could be left out Won’t – not necessary this time around so it can wait 21
  • 22. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Agile Requirements Overview Using the MoSCoW rules helps the Customer and Product Owner prioritize the Product Backlog Other techniques involve specifying whether this story is a Market Differentiator or not Those that may have more weight Note that a Market Differentiator doesn’t have to be a Must category The Product Backlog can be re-prioritized at any point in time This gives the freedom to the Customer to control the feature efforts based on value to the business – what a concept 22
  • 23. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Agile Modeling Agile Modeling is an agile technique that is applied across multiple disciplines The common thread in the above disciplines is that each of them have a common activity at its core – that is the need to model Models are an abstraction of a problem at a certain perspective using a common notation RUP is very prescriptive about Models Business Use Case models to system Use Case models Domain models to Analysis models to Design models to Implementation models Tools perpetuate this notion through their support of notations such as UML 1.x & 2.x, BPMN, BPEL, etc. RSA for example, not only supports the 13 UML 2.x diagram types but also adds additional diagrams like Topic and Browse diagrams. Do we really need all of them for a project? The short answer is: NO!! 23
  • 24. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Agile Modeling There are really two kinds of models: Formal models built with complex modeling tools Informal models built on a whiteboard, digital picture, or simple modeling tools like Visio Each model serves different audiences and a project usually has more than one model Models help teams think through a problem a picture really does eliminate misunderstanding of the spoken word All code ever developed came from one or more models Either a formal set of diagrams, a whiteboard concept, or formed in the developer’s mind before writing the code Modeling can be extended into supporting practices such as MDD and MDA 24
  • 25. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Agile Modeling Model when it’s faster than writing text Original text was too confusing. It needed a model to be explained 25
  • 26. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Agile Modeling Adoption of Agile Modeling techniques means you only model what you can’t do without When it actually hurts your project not to have that model Always model with a purpose in mind – not because it is “part of the process” If it servers no purpose – don’t do it Only model enough to support the effort Don’t model for perfection. It just needs to be good enough to: Get your point across Meet the Intended Audience expectations Clear and Detailed when necessary Reliable Simple Holds value There is a cost to maintaining models 26
  • 27. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Agile Modeling Adopting Agile Modeling takes a certain approach. Sometimes it really isn’t necessary to model at all Do you need a model when all you are doing is adding a method to a class? Agile models that are created and actually kept are a small percentage of the entire effort Models that need to last longer than the project or for teams geographically distributed are candidates to keep and maintain When the cost of NOT having the model outweighs the cost of rebuilding it which slows down development Example keepers are Architectural Models, high visibility Activity steps, or complex Business Rules During Agile modeling, many models may be created but a large majority are transient and are tossed once they serve their purpose These rarely last past a few iterations Examples would be some context or communication diagrams 27
  • 28. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Agile Modeling Agile modeling efforts usually don’t start in a tool Whiteboards, Paper are perfectly acceptable The emphasis is to describe visually an idea so that conversation can begin Shortens the development lifecycle Ali Ali - ATSC by removing unnecessary diagrams Saves money over time by reducing the number of models to maintain Have value and meet a specific purpose for an intended audience 28
  • 29. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Test Driven Development TDD came from XP but contrary to its name – it’s not really geared towards the Testing Discipline in the RUP. TDD is a design and programming activity more closely aligned with traditional unit testing than formal testing done by professional testers TDD allows developers to organically develop a test suite while building their applications In the past, developers would write code and then test it. Unit Tests may had been done manually with little thought to the potential of breaking something else TDD uses automated tests to constrain each functional bit of a program TDD is different in that you write the test first and when it fails you write code to pass the test. 29
  • 30. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Test Driven Development The TDD life cycle repeats until no more features are left to build: Add a test for the new capability feature forces the developer to focus on the requirements before writing the code instead of after Run all tests and see if the new one fails A form of negative testing using all prior tests Write some Code to pass that test Run the Automated tests to see them succeed Refactor Code as necessary Gain knowledge in knowing refactoring will not damage any prior tests 30
  • 31. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Test Driven Development The are several tools available by choice of programming language that supports TDD such as: JUnit, PHPUnit, TestNG to name a few A 2005 study found the using TDD meant writing more tests; developers who wrote more tests tended to be more productive TDD can help build software faster by elevating the confidence level that new code will not break existing code TDD eventually builds the automated regression Test Harness that can be shared among the team TDD can be extended to Test Driven Database Development (TDDD) 31
  • 32. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Continuous Integration In today’s world, not maintaining the code repository with all working parts becomes a hectic task. Developer takes a copy of the code base to write their code Before the developer can check in their code, they must update their code base with that of the repository to catch any changes made by others since (s)he checked out the code The more changes that were made, the more work the developer must do before (s)he can check in their code to the repository Eventually the repository becomes so different from the developer’s that it may take more time to integrate the changes than it did to write the new changes This is what’s referred to as “Integration Hell” Here is where an Agile practice called Continuous Integration (CI) helps out 32
  • 33. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Continuous Integration Continuous Integration (CI) is simply the practice of integrating components early and often This mitigates the “Integration Hell” some development teams face The build frequency is really left open to interpretation and project needs but it is definitely more than once. The term “several times a day” is typically adopted The ultimate goal of CI is to reduce that integration time and thus reduce timely rework which ultimately saves costs CI Emerged from XP but there are examples of this used by IBM in the 1960’s when they were building OS/360 They created builds 4 times each day 33
  • 34. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Continuous Integration Continuous Integration (CI) basic rules Maintain a repository The system should be buildable from a freshly checked out codebase that is not dependent on other code Rather than creating a new developer branch, it is preferred that changes are integrated directly into the trunk Because of the multiple builds, this is an acceptable practice Automate the Build Several tools support this such as: Build automation tools: Make, Ant, Maven, ClearCase Continuous Integration Servers: RTC, BuildForge, CruiseControl, TeamCity, etc. This includes automating the integration in order to deploy to a production like environment Include binaries, web pages, statistics, and possibly documentation Make the Build Self-testing Employ TDD techniques to test the code to confirm the behavior 34
  • 35. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Continuous Integration Commit/Check-in Code Daily This reduces the number of conflicting changes to others instead of committing weeks worth of code at once Each Team member must do this Each Check-in to the mainline/trunk should be built This confirms that the integration was successful It can be a manual process or set up as an Automated CI that looks for changes and starts the build Keep the Build Fast It can’t take hours for the build to complete. You want to know when a problem occurs Test the Build in an environment cloned from production This mitigates the errors where a Test environment doesn’t match the production environment 35
  • 36. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Agile Methods – Continuous Integration Make the Builds Available That means alerting testers and stakeholders early. This feedback loop reduces the amount of time if the build doesn’t meet the requirements Publish the Build Results In an ideal world, the results of the build is transparent and made available to the entire team This is helpful to identify when a build breaks and what caused it to break Automate the Deployment Creation of a build can be extended by automating the deployment into the target deployment model 36
  • 37. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 What’s the Game Plan? Create a plan of attack Bring in professionals to help assess your needs and plan out the strategy of attack Nothing helps jumpstart an organization like a set of experienced professionals The alternative is a number of whitepapers and books each focused on a particular area Look for a firm with experience who offers a robust set of service offerings that directly relate to your pain points 37
  • 38. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 What’s the Game Plan? Execute the Plan Step 1 - Initial assessment of your needs Step 2 – Putting it all together Exposure to more than just one Agile method Formal Training Hands-on Workshops Tool Training to reinforce the concepts learned Ongoing mentoring with real pilot projects Touchdown!! 38
  • 39. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Step 1: Assessment Every company is different, because of that there cannot be a single cookie-cutter plan Your company may already be strong in one area but weaker in another Ensure an assessment reflects this and specifies a target set of solutions to address these needs Perhaps planning and delivery is the bottleneck, maybe it’s requirements Note that the solutions are usually plural – that’s ok, as long as it is part of a cohesive plan The assessment should include the existing development team size and location In today’s world, development teams are sometimes distributed in multiple buildings, states, or hemispheres Professional firms who claim to be agile, need to be able to embrace this fact 39
  • 40. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Step 2: Putting it all Together Now that we’ve discussed various Agile methods, let’s put the thoughts down on paper and plan how we can do it in around 40 days Week 1 Conduct assessment and provision the tooling environment Week 2 Conduct just-in-time training covering: Detailed Agile methods Hands-on Workshops Agile tools (RTC, RRC, RQM) Week 3 Pilot process and tools with hands-on mentoring from Agile coaches Week 4 Agile Modeling, TDD & CI Workshops 40
  • 41. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 Step 2: Putting it all Together Week 5 Mentoring the project with the Agile Coaches Week 6 Retrospective Plan next Sprint The best way to introduce new concepts is not just by the theory of a book Combining just enough theory with heavy hands-on workshops helps to reinforce the concepts being described Heavy emphasis should be on: Collaboration Planning Instruction Execution 41
  • 42. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 42
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  • 44. IBM Rational Software Conference 2009 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009. All rights reserved. The information contained in these materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, these materials. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software. References in these materials to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in these materials may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. IBM, the IBM logo, Rational, the Rational logo, Telelogic, the Telelogic logo, and other IBM products and services are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation, in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. 44